Post Tagged with: "catching coyotes"

by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 477, catching coyotes with inverted dirt hole sets and elevation.

Are you making your dirt hole sets the best way for coyotes? is their a better way? Sometimes a little change up is what you need to catch more coyotes in traps. Sign up for the Trapping Radio Fur […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 470a, what is going on, scouting coyotes, this years Trapping Mafia School.

This will explain a lot about what is going on with Trapping radio and our Trapping Mafia School with Jeff Dunlap and Clint Locklear Sign up for the Trapping Radio Fur Brigade and start saving money today! Plus you […]

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